
Monday, August 23, 2021

Covid lockdown

day six.


  1. Is this one of the dances from the hip hop tutorials Yasmin? It looks like you had a good time learning the dance moves.

  2. WOW Yazmin...I got exhausted just watching you.Well done on lasting the whole song.# minutes and 33 seconds-I'd be lucky to last a minute.

    Is this something you learnt off Tik Tok?.
    It looked like you knew the words to it.Who sings it and what is the song/dance called?.

    Thank you for your contribution to our karakia this morning.

  3. Morning Yazmin
    Great to see you are still blogging during lockdown.
    Thanks for leading our karakia every morning, really appreciate it.
    Nice moves in this dance, did you practice for a few days or just do it, because you just love dancing?

  4. Morena Yazmin.
    With lock down I start losing days.I wake up and think,what day is it?.
    Wouldn't it have been cool to do a video each day.You could record short video about what you are going to do or did,for that day.

    Take care and I a m sure I will see you on Google Meet this morning.
